
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Free internet and facebook brousing

simply go to and then click facebook and download java soft. And then start using facebook for total free.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Knowledge by Eleanor Farjeon

Your mind is a meadow
To plant for your needs;
You are the farmer
With knowledge for seeds,
Don't leave your meadow
Unplanted and bare,
Sow it with knowledge
And tend it with care.
Who'd be a know-nothing
When he might grow
The seeds of knowledge
Of stars and snow;
The science of numbers,
The magic of music,
The secrets of rhyme?
Don't be a know-nothing!
Plant in the spring,
And see what harvest
The summer will bing.

Who I am?Who I am?

I am imran hasan parves. i lives in gotherchala. it's a under of gazipur district, sreepur thana, telihaty unione. i am interested in internet many years ago. i want to be a wab devaloper. so pray for me.